Career Possibilities

Find opportunities and build a career

See the wide range of careers available in manufacturing, find out how innovative ideas are turned into reality, gain that perfect job to suit your own talents and much more…


Early career opportunities in manufacturing, engineering and technology

We’re working with universities and colleges to encourage students to connect with potential employers early on in their studies. Both students and employers have much to gain from early engagement.

See what's out there

Search for a STEM placement, internship, apprenticeship or graduate opportunity.

Make yourself visible

Promote yourself to manufacturing, engineering and technology companies.

TRS is dedicated to supporting careers in manufacturing, engineering and technology. We help industries to attract new talent, individuals to develop their potential, and the UK to retain key skills. In short, we’re helping to build and maintain a national pool of industry skills to meet the needs of UK plc.

This website includes links to talent portals produced by some of the UK's leading manufacturing organisations

HR Director
HR Director
Salary: £70,500     Bonus: £8,000

My role: Responsible for recruiting, screening, interviewing and placing workers. Support with employee relations, payroll, benefi ts and training. Planning, developing and managing the administrative side of the company. Skills needed: The ability to analyse, interpret and explain employment law. Integrity and approachability. Infl uencing and negotiating skills to implement personnel policies.

Best Bits: Supporting the personal development of people in the company and bringing in new talent
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

A film about the creation of the Mac Pro computer, which involved the invention of entirely new manufacturing processes.

A campaigning organisation dedicated to promoting female talent in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) from classroom to boardroom, and thereby driving economic growth. The WISE mission is to get 1 million more women into the UK STEM workforce.

Salary: £22,950     Bonus: £1,200

My role: Undertake welding activities to defi ned standards using a range of techniques and a variety of materials for production items in batches and/or “one off ” pieces. Skills needed: Good hand-to-eye coordination, work accurately. High concentration levels and the ability to work without direct supervision. An understanding of safe working practices.

Best Bits: Seeing the finished product
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Maintenance Technician
Maintenance Technician
Salary: £27,700     Bonus: £850

My role: Responsible for carrying out diagnostic, repair and preventative planned maintenance tasks to plant, equipment and electrical systems, to ensure their continued effi cient operation. Skills needed: Good practical and technical skills ability in maths, science and IT. Communication skills and an understanding of engineering drawings and principles. The ability to work quickly and under pressure.

Best Bits: Carrying out diagnostics and problem solving
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Make UK Salary data 2016

An annual ten-day programme of science, technology, engineering and maths events and activities across the UK aimed at people of all ages. Organised by the British Science Association.

Applying the understanding of science to create real things

Four-part video about engineering and manufacturing, including information on careers, the working environment, key skills and tips for breaking into engineering.

Introduce students to a whole world of STEM subjects

Register for free access to online resources for teachers of computing, design and technology, maths and science. Examples include:

  • Computing without computers – an introduction to the main concepts of programming
  • Choosing a career in wind, wave and tidal energy
  • How to build an electric racer powered by a super-capacitor
  • Cre8ate maths project – applying maths to, for example, growing food, working with chemicals, childcare and early years, building for the future, digital design, making things work, food and drink, health and social care.
Senior Design Engineer
Senior Design Engineer
Salary: £44k     Bonus: £2,600

My role: Responsible for assisting in the design and development of projects new and existing, from modelling components through to producing fully resolved drawings. Skills needed: Experience of design, production / engineering using 3-D and 2-D design software. Computer literacy with a sound knowledge of design software and spreadsheet ability, along with excellent communications skills.

Best Bits: Seeing a concept turning into a real product
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Resources from the world’s leading museum of art and design

Extensive secondary schools and colleges programme designed to give students advice and practical experience of working in the creative industries.

Imaginative teaching resources.

Take advantage of the renaissance in bespoke British tailoring

If you’ve ever considered an apprenticeship or career in textiles or tailoring, this is a wonderful place to start. Includes personal stories and information on jobs and training courses.

A series of videos for young people featuring researchers, lecturers, student and apprentices talking about their particular area of engineering and explaining some of the science behind it. Topics include: .

  • Scaffolding for bodies – tissue engineering
  • Shiny silver – basics of electrochemistry
  • Stent design – a biomedical challenge
  • Spider science – why spiders and their silk are so amazing
  • Design and build your own racing car
  • Use computer models to understand arthritis
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Fuel cells – why we need them
  • Fuel cells – how they work
  • What is an engineer
  • Recycling lithium from industrial waste
  • How 3D printing works

Part of Warwick University, WMG is one of the world’s leading industrial research groups. It aims to provide manufacturing and technology solutions through collaboration between industry and academia. HVM Catapult focuses on the global challenge of low-carbon mobility.

Get your career going

Official government website providing the latest news and information on apprenticeships and apprenticeship schemes.

Inspire children to love science, technology, engineering and maths

Become a STEM ambassador. Some 30,000 ambassadors go into schools to help young people to make the most of STEM subjects. STEMNET also helps teachers to set up popular STEM clubs, as well as forging links between business and education through its advisory network. Most ambassadors are under 35, and they include apprentices, zoologists, set designers, climate-change scientists, engineers of all disciplines, farmers, designers, geologists, nuclear physicists, architects, pharmacists and energy analysts.

The Royal Academy award scheme supports engineering undergraduates in UK universities who have the potential to become leaders in engineering, as well as administering other grants and prizes. It also runs an Enterprise Hub to support the UK’s most promising engineering entrepreneurs.

Leading engineers and architects talk about their inspirations, design principles and how some of the most iconic buildings in the world were conceived such as Jack Zunz (Sydney Opera House), Jane Wernick (London Eye and Kew Treetop Walkway), Hanif Kara (Peckham Library and Bloomberg Office Building) and Achim Menges (Elytra Filment Building).

Senior Mechanical Engineer
Senior Mechanical Engineer
Salary: £43k     Bonus: £3,500

My role: Providing effi cient solutions to the development of processes and products. Working all stages of a product from research and development to design and manufacture, through to installation and fi nal commissioning. Skills needed: Excellent written and spoken communication skills, fl exibility and a willingness to learn. Organisational and time management skills with the ability to multi task.

Best Bits: Exploring and using new technologies
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Make UK Salary data 2016

Scholarship awards of £5,000 per year for up to four years for engineers studying for an undergraduate degree-level qualification. There are also awards of £7,500 per year for up to three years for postgraduate research leading to a PhD or EngD.

Fitter and Assembler
Fitter and Assembler
Salary: £21k     Bonus: £900

My role: Responsible for the assembly and sub-assembly of components. Using both manual skills and power tools as part of the assembly. Skills needed: Practical skills, the ability to follow instructions and diagrams. Speed and accuracy for performing repetitive tasks with a high level of concentration. Good team working skills a willingness to work flexibly

Best Bits: Piecing items together
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Part of Warwick University, WMG is one of the world’s leading industrial research groups. It aims to provide manufacturing and technology solutions through collaboration between industry and academia.

Free online business advice and funding for young entrepreneurs in the UK. The Smarter Future Programme awards a start-up grant of £5,000 each month to one 16–30-year-old entrepreneur with an idea that addresses sustainable living challenges.

Nurture engineering talent for the future

Teachers’ resources, curriculum-linked materials and latest information on STEM-based activities and challenges for schools and pupils. The education project is part of a three-year engagement initiative that sets out to inspire five million young people through the promotion of science and engineering.

Guide the new trailblazers in engineering design

Resources and practical support for the education of design engineers at all levels, including the Ideas Box series.

Early career opportunities in manufacturing, engineering and technology

We’re working with universities and colleges to encourage students to connect with potential employers early on in their studies. Both students and employers have much to gain from early engagement.

See what's out there

Search for a STEM placement, internship, apprenticeship or graduate opportunity.

Make yourself visible

Promote yourself to manufacturing, engineering and technology companies.

The UK’s first ‘faculty on the factory floor’

Offering the opportunity to study in a ‘live’ manufacturing environment, AME is the result of a collaboration between Coventry University and Unipart Manufacturing Group to develop top-class ‘industry-ready’ engineering graduates in the automotive, aerospace, oil and gas, power generation and rail sectors.

Interactive exhibition for teenagers at the Science Museum, London. Challenges include designing a space rover that will travel across a landscape full of jumps, boulders and slopes.

So you want to be an apprentice?

Top-level training and high-quality apprentice recruitment provided by MakeUK, the manufacturers’ organisation (formerly the Engineering Employers’ Federation).

A dream digital career for students of all ages

Careers in digital engineering and IT apprenticeships. Insights into working for a wide range of companies, from ASOS – a global online fashion retailer – to Sky broadcasting.

Graduate Engineer
Graduate Engineer
Salary: £25k     Bonus: £750

My role: Joining the company after graduating, working in the engineering department and supporting colleagues in all areas. Learning on the job and gaining practical skills in engineering. Skills needed: Excellent communication skills, the ability to work as part of a team. Problem solving and an analytical thought process. Flexibility and good planning skills.

Best Bits: The variety of work and learning new things every day
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

The Imagineering Foundation organises fairs and clubs across the UK to introduce young people of 8–16 years to engineering, science and technology through fun hands-on activities and personal involvement.

Managing Director
Managing Director
Salary: £115k     Bonus: £25,000

My role: The decision maker, leader, manager and executor. Communicating at all levels across the organisation this can often also involve speaking to the press and the outside world. Decision making involves making high level decisions about strategy and policy. Skills needed: A good communicator, strategic thinker, excellent leader and business development skills.

Best Bits: Seeing the company grow and developing talent within the company
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

TED talk by Tim Minshall of Cambridge University about the urgent need to change perceptions of engineering. Tim also writes an engineering blog.

From Why? to Wow!

Encourage young people to make a better world

Resources for teachers including video stories that highlight the great variety of opportunities open to engineers.

Teams of University Technical College students are challenged to design and build an amphibious solution to help stricken islanders on Angel Island. Some 40 teams are expected to compete for various prizes in time trials at the HMS Sultan national final in Gosport, Hampshire, on 17 March 2017.

Network Support Technician
Network Support Technician
Salary: £30k     Bonus: £1,000

My role: Provide technical support to the organisation’s local and company wide area computer networks including installation, confi guration, performance monitoring and fault management. Focal point for all technical issues. Skills needed: Good at problem solving, organising, prioritising and multi-tasking. Able to explain technical problems in a simple way and work as part of a team.

Best Bits: Problem solving and fi xing things
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Global £1 million prize, awarded every two years, that recognizes the engineers responsible for a ground-breaking innovation that has been of global benefit to humanity. The scheme also includes a network of engineering ambassadors.

Discover fantastic job opportunities

Are you a science or maths student aged 11–16+ looking for career opportunities? Futuremorph offers careers advice, work experience, and case studies including stories from the ScienceGrrl Calendar

Advice for anyone considering a career in engineering

A gateway to really useful and wide-ranging information for students and teachers, including advice on apprenticeships and careers, stories about successful engineers and role descriptions. An interactive presentation for 11–14s explains:

  • What engineering is
  • What engineers do
  • How engineers impact on our everyday lives
  • The range of jobs engineers are involved in through real-life examples
  • The different routes you can take to a career in engineering
  • Where the jobs will be in the future

A snapshot of engineering today

In-depth report produced by the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering Foundation. Chapters on solving the world’s problems, recognising and understanding engineering, inspiring the next generation, and creating opportunity.

Be part of a top British firm specialising in future technologies

Apprenticeships, graduate schemes and careers with a global defence, aerospace and security company employing more than 83,000 people in 40 countries.

Management Accountant
Management Accountant
Salary: £38k     Bonus: £3,000

My role: Responsible for undertaking all aspects of fi nancial management, including corporate accounting, regulatory and fi nancial reporting, budget and forecasts preparation, as well as development of internal control policies and procedures. Skills needed: Recognised accountancy qualifi cations, strong analytical skills, problem solving, attention to detail and effective communication.

Best Bits: Supporting the growth of the business and getting value for money
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Salary: £29,500     Bonus: £1,600

My role: Responsible for the purchase of all internal materials and services. Optimising prices, contracts, delivery times as well as administering quotes, negotiating contracts and placing orders. Skills needed: Good analytical skills, creativity. Ability to recognise future trends, excellent commercial awareness and communication skills. Making decisions under pressure and negotiating.

Best Bits: Getting value for money and keeping costs down
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

TRS is dedicated to supporting careers in manufacturing, engineering and technology. We help industries to attract new talent, individuals to develop their potential, and the UK to retain key skills. In short, we’re helping to build and maintain a national pool of industry skills to meet the needs of UK plc.

This website includes links to talent portals produced by some of the UK's leading manufacturing organisations

Were you born to engineer?

Have a look at these videos in which students and young engineers talk about their ambitions and jobs – and reveal the extraordinary variety of careers open to students of engineering.

A-level student and entrepreneur:

Inventing a new product for the gas industry

Acoustics engineer:

Measuring noise levels in everything from elevators to aircraft

Biomedical engineer:

Using bubbles to take drugs to specific sites in the body

Building services engineer:

Designing services for buildings and whole communities

Computer software engineer:

Making technology responsive to what musicians do

Design engineer:

Showing that everything we touch, see and interact with has been engineered and designed

Electrical engineer:

From apprentice to senior woman at the National Grid

Energy Engineer:

Designing buildings for minimal energy consumption

Engineering entrepreneur:

Saving lives with a revolutionary fire-safety device

Environmental engineer:

Ensuring a high-quality water supply in southern California

School pupil:

A girl’s passion for aeronautical engineering

Sports engineer:

Making a better football boot

University student:

Making Formula One cars go faster

Are you a technical or commercial graduate with plenty of talent?

Graduate programmes in aerospace engineering, civil engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, naval architecture, physics, process engineering, project management, safety engineering, software engineering, systems engineering, and technical and business management. The Babcock website includes a Meet Our People section.

A charter scheme run by the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine. ECU charters enable organisations to apply for an award recognising their commitment to, and progress on, equality and diversity.

A project that brings together historians, archivists and practising scientists to research women’s participation in science and learned societies in the UK since 1830 and to develop strategies to improve the participation of women in science today.

An initiative to show the next generation that girls and women (as well as boys and men) do science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). Girls meet STEM role models, learn STEM skills, see STEM in action and have STEM mentors. Panel events, hackathons and exhibitions.

Inspiring the Next Generation of Makers

The West Midlands faces a shortage of 20,000 young engineers every year. Next Gen Makers exists to enable West Midlands Engineering and Manufacturing firms to inspire and engage the next generation of engineers into their company, future proof their workforce and create opportunities for local young people.

Think about a career in engineering

A gateway to really useful and wide-ranging information for students and teachers, including advice on apprenticeships and careers, stories about successful engineers and role descriptions in the fields of food, medicine, music, computing, space, sport, electronics, energy, film and television, green engineering, and construction. An interactive presentation for 11–14s explains:.

  • What engineering is
  • What engineers do
  • How engineers impact on our everyday lives
  • The range of jobs engineers are involved in through real-life examples
  • The different routes you can take to a career in engineering
  • Where the jobs will be in the future

An annual award administered by the IET that recognises a young woman who has established herself as a technically excellent professional. Recent winners include an audio engineer at Jaguar Land Rover and an electronics engineer designing laser warning systems for aircraft. The IET also administers the Mary George Memorial Prize for Apprentices and the Women’s Engineering Society Prize.

Improve your skills and productivity

An agency that encourages collaboration between employers and teachers to transform skills and productivity in a wide range of sectors, from aerospace to process operations, and including business administration, customer service, leadership and management. As well as apprenticeships, SEMTA promotes graduate opportunities and professional development.

Health and Safety Manager
Health and Safety Manager
Salary: £41,400     Bonus: £3,000

My role: Responsible for ensuring that employers and workers comply with safety legislation and that safety policies and practices are adopted and adhered to. Along with carrying out regular site inspections to check policies and procedures are being properly implemented. Skills needed: Excellent written and spoken communication skills. Patience and diplomacy because the profession requires a collaborative approach.

Best Bits: Making sure that all of my colleagues are operating in a safe environment
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Engineering Manager
Engineering Manager
Salary: £56k     Bonus: £5,800

My role: Responsible for overseeing teams of Engineers and ensuring they meet business deadlines whilst maintaining quality standards. Liaising with other departments to ensure all requirements are met. Skills needed: Team management, excellent written and spoken communication skills, fl exibility and a willingness to learn. Excellent organisational and time management skills with the ability to multi-task.

Best Bits: Working at part of team
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Shaping future inventors and technicians

A growing network of university technical colleges around the country focusing on the teaching of technical and scientific subjects to students aged 14–19.

Skilled Machinist
Skilled Machinist
Salary: £24,400     Bonus: £1,100

My role: Operate conventional machine tools to produce a range of components from technical drawings. This requires making settings and adjustments to ensure dimensional accuracy and surface fi nish. Skills needed: The ability to read engineering drawings and instructions, good practical skills including maths and computer skills. The ability to work with a high level of accuracy concentration.

Best Bits: Seeing the finished product
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Search for your ideal STEM job

An easily searchable database of jobs in science, manufacturing and engineering, including internships and work placements. Jobs available in these sectors:

Electronic & Electrical:
Materials & Minerals:
Commercial Manager
Commercial Manager
Salary: £48,800     Bonus: £5,300

My role: Responsible for the management and control of a Sales Team and the commercial activities of specifi c projects, products and business units. Managing relationships with key customers and developing opportunities for growth. Skills needed: Strong analytical skills, excellent communication and team management. Infl uencing and negotiation skills.

Best Bits: Bringing in commercial revenue and seeing the business grow
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Discover what happens behind the scenes

Students, teachers and career advisors are invited to visit a wide range of manufacturing facilities across the UK to stimulate interest in technology and engineering. An initiative spearheaded by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills.

Educational and careers support and advice for women at all levels of engineering. WES campaigns to inspire more women to enter and remain in the profession and hosts an annual National Women in Engineering Day. A host of exciting events are planned in the build-up to the WES centenary in 2019.

Making people’s lives better

Video in the series Who’s Recruiting – Direct Career Profiles. ‘If you want to make a difference, if you want to change the world,’ says engineer Elena Rodriguez-Falcon, ‘engineering is a formidable career path.’

A cornucopia of resources and classroom activities

Teaching resources and classroom activities for STEM students aged 11–19, including film clips, online games and quizzes. Website includes videos of young engineers talking about their jobs.

Dawn Bonfield of the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) highlights some incredible and inspiring stories of female engineers.

Engineering Director
Engineering Director
Salary: £80k     Bonus: £16,500

My role: Responsible for technical direction and expertise for all engineering projects, establishing and maintaining cost effective engineering processes and systems for design and product safety, to maximise effi ciency and performance. Directing the team. Skills needed: Multi-tasking, strong analytical and problem solving skills. Communicate effectively with a wider audience and the ability to infl uence people.

Best Bits: Planning the technical direction of the business
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

A regular event at Birmingham NEC showcasing the broad array of opportunities for engineers working in many sectors, including oil and gas, nuclear, computer software and construction.

A campaign backed by entrepreneur Hilary Devey to attract more women into the electrical contracting industry through education and networking.

Shell funds UK entrepreneurs at the cutting-edge of the low-carbon economy. In 2016 funding awards of up to £150,000 are available for small enterprises that meet the requirements. Since 2005, the programme has awarded £3 million to 86 enterprises. Inspiring video on website has alumni talk about their achievements.

Awards some 25 postgraduate fellowships and scholarships a year, for advanced study and research in science, engineering, the built environment and design.

Process Engineer
Process Engineer
Salary: £33,150     Bonus: £1,800

My role: Determining the operations required to produce products and develop processes to ensure quality, cost, and effi ciency requirements are met. Providing technical support regarding process technology and production. Skills needed: Excellent problem solving skills, with both technical and practical elements. The ability to be analytical and work as part of a team.

Best Bits: Planning and problem solving
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Paid placements for students taking a gap year before or during a degree course in all areas of engineering, science, IT, e-commerce, business, marketing, finance and logistics. The scheme involves 300 leading UK companies, including Shell, Rolls Royce, EDF, Network Rail and GKN.

Join the ambitious 500

The largest engineering firm in Europe offers apprenticeships at company sites across the UK and offshore in the power industry, construction and manufacturing, rail engineering and rail logistics.

Quality Engineer
Quality Engineer
Salary: £33,350     Bonus: £2,200

My role: Responsible for devising inspection, testing and evaluation methods for materials, components, semi-fi nished and fi nished products. Liaising with other departments to provide testing services and advise on developing techniques to improve the quality. Skills needed: Excellent attention to detail and accuracy, the ability to cope with several projects at a time.

Best Bits: Knowing that only high quality products leave the factory
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Debbie Sterling, engineer and founder of Goldieblox, has made it a mission to tackle the gender gap in science, technology, engineering and maths.

Warehouse Worker
Warehouse Worker
Salary: £17,850     Bonus: £700

My role: Responsible for taking delivery of goods and supplies, checking for damaged or missing items, storing goods and moving stock. Keeping records of stock levels for reporting. Skills needed: A good level of fi tness, excellent teamwork skills. The ability to work at speed and multi-task. Basic computer skills.

Best Bits: Taking delivery of new supplies
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Salary: £17,600     Bonus: £700

My role: Responsible for all visitors who come onto site. Welcome all guests and direct them appropriately. Notify company personnel of visitor’s arrival and maintain security on site and the telecommunications system. Skills needed: Excellent people skills with good verbal communications skills. Customer focussed with a high level of professionalism, telephone and Microsoft offi ce skills.

Best Bits: Being the main face of the company onsite and providing help to all visitors
Make UK

Make UK Salary data 2016

Solve the world’s problems

From jet-engine and wind-turbine manufacture to dentistry and brain surgery, Renishaw solves tough engineering and scientific problems. Graduate trainees and apprentices talk about their experiences and opportunities with a company that encourages innovation and personal achievement.

How Siemens is shaping the future of manufacturing

  • Virtualisation.
  • The internet of things
  • IT infrastructure
  • Cloud technology
  • Customisation
  • Smart systems that make sense of big data.
  • A look inside the Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre in Coventry.

More than 400 sixth-form and undergraduate scholarships awarded annually to high-calibre students in engineering, computing and technical design.

Getting Started

Made Here Now's resource cards bring together lots of information aimed at inspiring young people to take a closer look at manufacturing. Each card highlights a specific resource covering videos, success stories, case studies, websites and a wealth of analysis and opinion on manufacturing in the UK.

To help you get started, simply search for something you're interested in or use the filter bar to show specific resource cards. Remember to deselect filters to view other categories.

So what are you waiting for?