
Inspiring the next generation of British manufacturing talent.

How are we working to achieve Made Here Now's objectives?

  1. 1

    Illustrate the career types & pathways

    Our research confirms that teachers and students are desperate for more information on the types of career available and the educational pathways that can be used to get there.

  2. 2

    Bring job opportunities to life

    For some of the career disciplines featured we will produce short interviews with people doing specific jobs, outlining what it entails, the path they took and the rewards they can expect.

    The result will be a series of case studies that will demonstrate the exciting manufacturing now taking place in the UK; give young people a clear path to explore career opportunities; and foster a deeper understanding of how key technologies fit into modern manufacturing.

  3. 3

    Put technology in context

    The research also highlights the need to show manufacturing processes in context so that teachers and students can gain a much clearer understanding of how different technologies are applied. The aim is to produce video case studies which the viewer can click on in any specific area to find more information on the process or job types involved.

  4. 4

    Create a valuable teaching resource

    The objective is to provide a valuable teaching resource for Design & Technology teachers to use in the classroom to engage students with manufacturing. To ensure a cohesive process we will then guide teachers and students to the teaching materials produced by organisations such as the Design & Technology Association (DATA). Made Here Now has established a strategic alliance with DATA to ensure the resources produced by both organisations will fit together as closely as possible to provide maximum benefit in the classroom.